Monday 7 December 2015

Design and Communication Task 6: LINE - Connectivity/Biography

Connecting tasks 1-5: exploring how a simple concept can be developed into a more complex design.


a) Horizontal & Vertical elements in the site
b) Kinetics
c) Experiences surveyed in task 5

I wanted to explore the idea of reflective thoughts (used for my Haiku) and how the space might influence and change the mood of its visitors.

My installation is a rectangular structure, placed across the pond in Twinkle Park where users could evaluate the external factors such as the landscape (the site), the elements (the weather), people (the company) or self (if alone).

Visitors would access a mood app to plot how they were feeling at the start of their experience, and this would influence the height of the mood "balloons" and their colour - visible through the glass ceiling of the structure. The app might also provide them with weather statistics, from air quality to wind direction - or connect them with other linked installations in the area. As a good mental health barometer, those in trouble would be able to connect to a trusted member of their support team for assistance.

Taking into account both the external factors (landscape, weather and people) users could see whether their mood could be "moved on" from how they feel at the start of the experience - to another mood (hopefully improved) on exit.

The installation would be open 24/7 with lighting to provide an atmospheric experience at night time.

Influences for this project started with the exploration of the Galileo Thermometer where the density of a liquid changes in proportion to its temperature.

The symbol I chose for the site was an exploration of how emotions are represented through punctuation (the emoticon) and how different styles have been developed for the different cultures. Shown here clockwise from top left are: indifference, happy, angry and crying.